
The blog will now be devoted not to boat building but to my 82-year-old Vertue, Sally II, now undergoing a well needed refit at Johnson & Loftus in Ullapool (and gliding...)

Saturday, 31 December 2011

What Next?

Arctic Tern, another Tammie Norrie or that Woodfish faering I was looking forward to building in 2012; it looks like being an Oughtred year, or maybe they'll all fall through and I can dig into my diminishing savings and go sailing for a few months on Sally, whose 75th birthday falls in May.

Whatever the future holds it will no doubt involve boats of some kind. And to my 35 followers (that makes me sound like some kind of messiah), a Happy New Year. All I would ask is that you post a few more comments on my blog. You can't surely let me get away with some of that rubbish without demur?


  1. I vote for an extended cruise, savings be damned.
    Thought about you yesterday while gluing lapped planks (without fasteners) on my plywood melonseed.
    Chris P generously sent me some episodes from the telly about building the Galway Clippers and the currach. Some very fine woodworking there. Just watching those boys toting 20x2 foot oak boards around made my old back ache.

  2. I've spent many evenings over the past several weeks sticking bits of boat together with epoxy and thinking how much nicer it would be if I were (and could) be building in wood!
