Wednesday 29 February 2012


After a day of more or less scratching our heads over the mysteries of keel/stem joints and aprons, all became clear on the next and rapid progress resumed on the garboards. In short, by trying to stick with the plans for epoxy/ply, we nearly went down a blind alley. Every boat is different, and this is no exception. And every boat has its moments, no matter how many you have built. But getting out of a corner is what makes it fun (albeit in retrospect).

By the end of the week the centreline and first two strakes should be up, with five more to go. The shape of the garboards was lovely to behold, a sweeping, scimitar that took but a little steaming into the fore and aft rabbets and if all goes as sweetly, then we will be happy indeed.

Pictures are worth a 1000 words, so here they are.

Meanwhile another milestone has been notched up: the 30,000 hits and counting since this blog fired up the woodburner last year. And 45 of you have even joined up as followers, poor fools. I am flattered, nevertheless.

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