Sunday 22 July 2012

Week Four

Too knackered to post more than a few photos of the faering at the end of a busy week both in and out of the shed. But strake three's aft sections are now up and riveted in place, and the frames have been fitted, the aft one dry - that's a job for tomorrow.

No margin of error in the hood ends. I wonder if the time-served old Norwegian faering builders had sleepless nights? Certainly not, as I once saw a grainy b/w video of a bunch of them putting an oselver faering up in what looked like ten minutes, and they certainly did not look in the least stressed; rather they looked bemused that anyone should want to capture on film what they had been doing routinely for years.

If anyone can track that video down, let me know. My copy was lent to me by Iain Oughtred, the designer of this faering. Must ask to borrow it again, if no one knows where it came from. YouTube?

So, here are the latest photos.

Meanwhile Mattis is making great progress on the Shetland Yole Sula. Maybe get him to post something about the joys of yole-building. Very few if any bad words emanating from his side of the shed, so must be having fun...

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