Thursday 13 March 2014

Ready to Roll

Two coats of clear primer and a coat of undercoat and the hull is ready to turn. The keel was fastened first, using Collano, followed by the first layer of the stems, laminated against the inner stem, scarphed into the keel, followed by more laminations on top of the laminations, the aim of which was to completely bridge any weak spots. Photo shows it better than words.

It probably took longer than making the apron and stems on the jig at the same time, but I have found that when it comes to fitting the outer stem to a previously laminated inner stem (apron) the curve has somehow subtly changed and you have to force the two to mate. And there's not so much pressure all at one time, jigging apron and outer stems. This way is more controllable

The stems have been left unpainted for now, which might or might not look nice against the painted hull.

The colours have been chosen for the exterior and interior: mid grey sheerstrake, light blue topsides, white under water and cream inside, set off by the solid timber thwarts and other bits and pieces.

Two coats of International Clear primer (two-pack) were applied with roller, then flatted with 3M's excellent Abranet abrasive under a Norland's white undercoat, rolled and tipped. The finish will be in Hempel's Multicoat, a semi-gloss that to my mind looks nicer on a working/fishing boat type than high gloss enamel, and a lot easier to bring back to scratch.

The bilge runners are rather heftier and longer than designed as the boat will be drying out in a Cornish port

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