Friday 18 April 2014

It was a Good Friday...

Here is the workshop as I left it on Thursday. I was planning to work on Friday but the weather was so nice that I decided to sort out the club Flying Fifteen instead. I spent an hour or so only sanding the Ilur, after the day before when I put up the garboards and fixed the skeg.

The mizzen for the Caledonia Yawl is a "recyled" Gannet mast. It will serve well enough until the owner gets round to making one for himself. It seemed a shame to waste a good length of spruce, but I did have to spend more hours than I should have tapering it and cleaning it up.

The hatch covers are also recycled, from the deck of a superyacht refitting in Holland. They should look smart against the interior which will be painted cream at some later stage.

That's a gadget my friend Mattis sent from Norway to gauge the angle of garboards, rabbets and indeed the angle of planks in general. I put it to first use checking the bevel on the Ilur's keelson, to make sure it was symmetrical. Clever people those Norwegians. Such a simple device and beautifully crafted by Mattis, for which many thanks. Incidentally he calls it variously a leggfjol, gradbrett or batvater (NB there are some accents missing along the way).

That's about all until Tuesday when more planks will go on the Ilur and a start made on the side benches for the Yawl. Lots more to do, although I can begin to see the end of it. Keeping two boats inside one head is quite an interesting challenge.

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