Friday 23 January 2015


The sixth strake took a bit of head scratching to get right, but eventually it came good with a lot of battening and squinting and tweaking. It helped also to take reference photos which can be blown up on the computer, and which show up any major discrepancies in line.

The last three strakes are pretty critical for overall looks, so there's no point in rushing things. As always the Vendia/Collano method is a joy, but it is important to clean up as you go along. Collano sands well, but the less the better. Being a little softer than epoxy it has much the same consistency as the Vendia, they sand equally which avoids making divots in the wood. And once set hard it can be chipped away much easier than epoxy which needs the hot knife treatment.

Photos as always show more than words, so here's how I left Bob this afternoon.

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