
The blog will now be devoted not to boat building but to my 82-year-old Vertue, Sally II, now undergoing a well needed refit at Johnson & Loftus in Ullapool (and gliding...)

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Spring is Sprung(ing)...

The daffs are shining in the sun (or at least they were yesterday), buds are budding and the strath is coming alive once more after a grim, long winter. Time for a new header picture too, this one a 16ft lug sailed boat  built last year for Loch Torridon.

The next one on the stocks is a rather different craft: the gun punt of posts passim.

1 comment:

  1. Aye weel, same here, our daffs fine and maybe a few days ahead of yours, sniffing the solvents again, can't beat the stuff, good for the cold and the fitting-out, just done my Spring post on
