Saturday, 16 February 2013


The last of the new timbers were steamed in on Friday, and the last of the nails riveted up this morning. The shell now has the strength it lacked when it came into the shed a few weeks ago, plank splits are healed and the next stage it to flip her over to start varnishing the bottom, after some more remedial work on damaged lands and various divots.

Of the timbers, only three split before they could be bent to the planking, which was an excellent ratio. Nothing more annoying than having timber after timber split on withdrawal from the steam box. Well, maybe split planks in a new build at the hood end fastenings just when you've riveted the entire length.

After work on the bottom it'll be time to flip back over and finish the interior with another coat of bilge paint, varnish and the final fitting of the thwarts and floorboards. Then back where she belongs: in the water as good, almost, as new. And certainly stronger now with the slighty beefier timbers.

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