Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Turn Time Soon

The underwater (canoe body, technically) is now painted in a semi-matt white, to set off the Vendia's grain, and provide a little more protection.

The waterline sweeps up a tad at bow and stern, which should show a flash of white at the cutwater.

The keel has been deepened to around 3 1/2in amidships, and will be planed off a touch before the keel band is fitted, after which she'll be flipped for the interior framing to start next week, I hope.

Among the things I might do differently next time are to specify that the scarphs are staggered, like a solid clinker faering, ie two in the garboards fore and aft, and one each (staggered) in the other two strakes. There's no strength issue in a laminate having the scarphs more or less aligned, but it would look more authentic, albeit at the cost of having to use longer Vendia boards. It might also be nice to employ Norwegian-type scarphs, with proud lips, but that might be just trying too hard.

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